EHD SUPERDAD HD Diagnostic Tool

An HD Inter-Linc Diagnostic Tool with Repair Features.

Cleans up corrupted EDID signals, strips data slowing capacidence from the data stream and repairs issues with the 5 volt and Hot Plug Detect.

The new EHD™ SUPERDAD takes Low Speed Data (EDID) analysis to new levels. Like our original DAD, the SUPERDAD cleans up corrupted EDID signals and strips the Data slowing capacidence from the data stream. But that is just the start, now you can also repair issues with the 5 volt and Hot Plug Detect. Since the Hot Plug Detect Trigger has become a real problem for some of the newer very large screen displays this is a great solution.

The SUPERDAD also allows for some unique installation specific solutions. EDID and CEC can both be disabled via Dip Switches on the side of the chassis. Every tool box should have one!

Download the product PDF EHD_SHEET_SUPERDAD